Thursday, January 23, 2020

Becoming a Singing Culture

What if I'm yearning to respond in worship to God, but I can't sing? I would suggest that you sing one song over and over for a week. It takes time to train your voice to sing. Don't be afraid or ashamed if it sounds bad at first. Everything worthwhile takes practice.

After you've got that first song down, add another and another until you have a repetoire of 8-10 songs you can sing in response to what God is doing in your life or in response to how He is revealing Himself to you. Bring your family/friends/church into this and then you'll be enjoying the fruits from Ephesians 5:19.

Examples of simple songs you can sing without instruments:
  • Glorify Thy Name (easy song, response to His glory)
  • Come let us worship and bow down (response to His glory)
  • The Lord bless you and keep you (for encouragement)
  • I just want be where you are (response to God's love)
  • lt is well (godly response to sorrowful circumstances)
  • Amazing grace 1st stanza (response to redemption)
Are you prepared to worship when you see God act? Actively develop and plan for worshipful response. Type some of those songs up and save them on your phone or print them out in small format to stick in your wallet. Click here for a lyric sheet I made for my phone from hymns and other songs. 

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